Walk About SprinG, just FoUr DAys AWAy AnD, The croCus are UP . . . CaUgHt mE by sURprise WhEn thEY caUgHt my eYe Walk About is a collage and poem series about what I see when I walk, and is part of our Always a Project series.
Walk About I HeARd the CaRDiNal siNGing before I saw it, PerCHeD in the BiRcH tree — a CAt LOOkiNG At mE, LOOkiNG at iT -- And, ONe mORe SAP BuCKet, that maKes ThreE. It turns out a collage was the best way to illustrate my morning walk. I was impatient, trying watercolor, drawing, and nearly let it go until I spotted some paper bits that resonated with the theme. Lucky papers.
Rather than label it with words, I chose one symbol, some shorthand (the line and dot in the lower right). One word, do you know what it is? I know two people who might . . . Always a Project in Progress #1 and #2 - Book List
Below is the list of books from yesterday’s post. I’ve settled on one project idea (art related, gleaned from looking through The Little Book of Big Decorating Ideas), and continue to look for the second. For now I will say that it won’t be a magic trick. Magic is more performance art and a bit too complicated to tackle for one of these first two projects. So a little more thought and research - online and in books - to find the second. If you're interested, you may want to work along with us . . . Project #1 and Project #2 . . . TBA! Update: Project #1 Collage and #2 Short Poems working together as part of my Walk About series - you'll find them in the blog under Always a Project as well as Walking. The Little Book of Big Decorating Ideas 287 Clever Tips, Tricks, and Solutions By McColl, Katy My First Magic Book By Lawrence Leyton We Love to Sew 28 Pretty Things to Make: Jewelry, Headbands, Softies, T-shirts, Pillows, Bags & More By Annabel Wrigley The Crafter’s Guide to Taking Great Photos The Best Techniques for Showcasing your Handmade Creations By Heidi Adnum |
April 2016