That's what I told myself
last week: use your imagination. My floral collage work was stalled. I'd finished themost recent and wasn't sure what to do next. Until I saw a story on wallpaper. The designs were fanciful and the colors were, let's say, creative. While the floral shapes were representative of flowers and greenery one might recognize, they were rendered in colors that were bold and daring. Different from what's expected. And it opened my mind to new ideas and color combinations. I pawed through my stash of painted papers, pulled a deep blue and beige (which frankly I thought I'd never use so a prominently), and decided that would be it. Just two colors for this collage. The collage is nearly done, and when I look at it, I'm reminded that sometimes being stalled can be helpful. With an idea in mind, even one that is stalled, your brain will keep working on it. New information will register and steer you toward new solutions. If you've got a project where progress is slower than you'd like, take a break and look around. Something might catch your eye, change your perspective, and set you on a new path.
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