Not better, just different One idea, two versions. The birdhouse with the flowers is the first version of my birdhouse project. I really like the weathered copper top and the holes where birds can enter. When I was working on it, I didn’t like how the flowers and grasses were coming together. I made one mistake, then another, and couldn't find my way out. So I let it go and decided to create the image with collage papers. Looking at the birdhouses side by side, nearly a year after they were created, has me thinking. First of all, it's hard to compare them. The watercolor image has grasses and flowers which I like. The collage has a light green square behind it and wispy pine boughs that were added digitally. I wonder, now, if I should have given up on the watercolor. I had imposed a deadline on the project and was frustrated and running out of time. Collage is easier for me, so I turned to it to get the job done. In the end, I’m not sure one is better, just different ... what do you think?
Renee Tudor
5/9/2020 01:34:25 pm
I like both - the collage makes me think of early Spring with still chilly air and pines wearing the only green. That bird house is waiting for inhabitants, all fresh with crisp new paint and welcoming doorways. But your watercolor is a late Spring birdhouse in the afternoon and the air is warm and bees are humming around the flowers. This birdhouse isn’t a home for birds though, because a few flower fairies found it enchanting and moved in before the birds could!
Hi Renee!
Annette Stunden
5/9/2020 01:59:31 pm
Well hello there Christine. I love them both and I wish I could find some stamps from Australia with bird houses on them. Your new site is excellent and informative . Stay safe over there...from Tasmania
Hi Annette!
Kathi L
5/9/2020 02:30:02 pm
I like the watercolor version. It's more natural looking.
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