Buttoned Up
When I pulled out my sewing supplies last Saturday, they were a jumbled mess of fabric, thread, tools, scissors, and pins randomly packed in boxes and bins. Embarrassing, really. So with a button-load of patience, I focused and was able to stack and separate the good from the bad. Toss things that were broken, and put like items together in proper order. But I couldn't part with the buttons. They're colorful. Cheerful even. Like little gems. And with some of them, I remember the piece of clothing they were once stitched to. Like that yellow button in the middle. It was from a wrap-around skirt I had in high school. A floral Madras print. It was comfortable, and I thought, very stylish. When I wore it down to its last fiber, I cut off the buttons and saved them. The button jar is a small jar. I keep it and most of the buttons because I think I might use them again. Maybe, maybe not. Is there something you collect or save that you can't part with? What is it?
Kathi Lohry
4/8/2020 06:21:36 pm
One Christmas, my mom sewed bath robes for me and my two sisters. I never wear a robe, and even if I wanted to, it doesn't fit anymore. I also have 3 tunic tops that she sewed for me when I was in high school (in the 70s). I will NEVER give them away or toss them. Never!
4/9/2020 09:08:47 am
The yellow button caught my eye right off! Thanks for sharing Chrissy. I have a few jars of buttons but with much less sentimental value. Did you start up your new sewing machine?
Susan Lambrix
4/9/2020 09:22:53 am
I just love this post. I'm 70 and have sewed since I was 10. I never thought of saving buttons. But...........I have a small jar of buttons that was my grandmothers. I could never, ever part with this jar. It brings me joy!
4/13/2020 10:58:16 am
I have jars and jars of buttons. Most are totally random, but special ones from my mom, my grandmother, and my own sewing projects are mixed in. I use many buttons in various projects, but always know which ones are the specials and not to be used!
4/17/2020 10:23:00 am
My mother had (still has) jars of buttons that she let us play with as kids. We used to sort them, find our favorites, find all of the green four-holed buttons and then the one green four-holed button that looked like the others but was just a shade off. Endless ways to keep at least three of her seven children busy at any one time.
6/29/2020 11:06:44 pm
I suggest having the same kind of jar opener for other items as well. This will ensure that they are easy to open and will be able to perform any other tasks that you want them to do. This will also keep the opener functioning properly. You can have one jar opener for any kind of beverage and it will still function properly.
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